General Science

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newBookmarkLockedFalling 'electron camera' visualizes ripples in 2-D material
Pincho Paxton 0 77 by Pincho Paxton
Sept 10, 2015 20:52:54 GMT
newBookmarkLockedFalling Way to unify gravity and quantum mechanics
Pincho Paxton 1 117 by Pincho Paxton
Sept 10, 2015 16:30:53 GMT
newBookmarkLockedFalling Physicists catch a magnetic wave
Pincho Paxton 0 55 by Pincho Paxton
Sept 9, 2015 16:37:40 GMT
newBookmarkLockedFalling Designer molecule shines light on mysterious 4-stranded DNA
Pincho Paxton 0 70 by Pincho Paxton
Sept 9, 2015 14:00:13 GMT
newBookmarkLockedFalling 'Reading the Mind in the Eyes' test
Pincho Paxton 0 93 by Pincho Paxton
Sept 8, 2015 16:42:48 GMT
newBookmarkLockedFalling Ideal single-photon source developed
Pincho Paxton 0 81 by Pincho Paxton
Sept 8, 2015 15:05:28 GMT
newBookmarkLockedFalling Indications of the origin of Spin Seebeck effect discovered
Pincho Paxton 0 78 by Pincho Paxton
Sept 8, 2015 15:02:45 GMT
newBookmarkLockedFalling The magnetic mystery at the center of the Earth
Pincho Paxton 1 140 by Pincho Paxton
Sept 6, 2015 8:48:02 GMT
newBookmarkLockedFalling Long-sought chiral anomaly detected in crystalline material
Pincho Paxton 0 95 by Pincho Paxton
Sept 5, 2015 12:15:29 GMT
newBookmarkLockedFalling Magnetic 'wormhole' connecting two regions of space created
Pincho Paxton 0 98 by Pincho Paxton
Sept 5, 2015 12:01:05 GMT
newBookmarkLockedFalling 'Spin current' seen in motion for the first time
Pincho Paxton 0 111 by Pincho Paxton
Sept 4, 2015 13:43:07 GMT
newBookmarkLockedFalling 'Littlest' quark-gluon plasma produced:
Pincho Paxton 0 64 by Pincho Paxton
Sept 4, 2015 9:43:54 GMT
newBookmarkLockedFalling Two-color X-rays give scientists 3-D view of the unknown
Pincho Paxton 0 86 by Pincho Paxton
Sept 2, 2015 23:40:13 GMT
newBookmarkLockedFalling Outrageous Acts of Thinking: The Misuse of Science
Pincho Paxton 0 130 by Pincho Paxton
Sept 1, 2015 15:10:08 GMT
newBookmarkLockedFalling Slower melting ice cream thanks to new ingredient
Pincho Paxton 0 91 by Pincho Paxton
Sept 1, 2015 14:55:12 GMT
newBookmarkLockedFalling Mysterious Wooden Shigir Idol With 'Encrypted Message'
Pincho Paxton 0 74 by Pincho Paxton
Sept 1, 2015 12:29:59 GMT
newBookmarkLockedFalling Older people getting smarter, but not fitter
Pincho Paxton 0 84 by Pincho Paxton
Sept 1, 2015 12:21:08 GMT
newBookmarkLockedFalling Men who buy sex may be more sexually agressive
Pincho Paxton 0 90 by Pincho Paxton
Sept 1, 2015 12:12:51 GMT
newBookmarkLockedFalling Short sleepers are four times more likely to catch a cold
Pincho Paxton 0 102 by Pincho Paxton
Sept 1, 2015 12:07:06 GMT
newBookmarkLockedFalling Scientists 'squeeze' light one particle at a time
Pincho Paxton 0 86 by Pincho Paxton
Aug 31, 2015 19:46:07 GMT


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