Post by Pincho Paxton on May 31, 2024 9:26:52 GMT
Link... Medium and mighty: Intermediate-mass black holes can survive in globular clustersPincho says... These simulations are using mass to attract mass, but mass isn't attracted to mass it's moving towards holes in space. Particles are actually quantum holes, and mass is the spin around the holes such as an accretion disc. The spins bump the spins to stop the mass moving any further so you get a gathering of holes pushed together by gravity. The optical illusion is that we see mass attracted to mass, because we can't see the quantum holes. But in physics we mustn't use optical illusions in our simulations. So instead of the title "Some Black Holes Survive in Globular Clusters", it should be "Black holes create globular clusters" The maths for mass includes the quantum holes, but ignores some of those physics. Pincho Paxton