Post by Pincho Paxton on Aug 19, 2015 10:03:43 GMT
Link... Biophysics: Formation of swarms in nanosystemsPincho says... The Y axis is a tilting hole surrounded by a ring membrane created by spin. The way that gravity flows tilts the hole to face it. For example a droplet of water is spherical because the y axis is tilting to face gravity, and ripples are created by the Y axis flip-flopping towards the X/Z axis. OK so look at a worm, and the long body length is a series of Y axis holes surrounded by the X/Z membrane which is skin. Magnetism is the outflow of gravity when it is trapped and forced to collide at a point where lots of gravity meets together. The tilting of the Y axis is this combination of a gravity flow, and a magnetic outflow which are all creating paths towards the area of least resistance. Flocks of birds are facing the area of least resistance, the area where they will not collide, and also their Y axis which is their mouth. Tiny organisms may have a strong connection with the quantum physics of gravity, and magnetism which may rotate their Y axis to face the area of least resistance. Granular convection isn't even alive, and yet it has some axis alignment with scale due to gravity, and vibrations, with Brazil Nuts stacking at the top of the Y axis. Pincho Paxton