Post by Pincho Paxton on Jul 21, 2013 19:44:54 GMT
This is the shape that I think we are living in. These go on forever, I just chose ours to show you..
Post by sandhi on Jul 21, 2013 22:58:33 GMT
This is the shape that I think we are living in. These go on forever, I just chose ours to show you.. It's possible. Are there other theories as to the shape of the Universe ? It reminds me of a snowflake. Do you think there is such a thing as a Multiverse ? Why do you think the Universe has a shape ? What is the surrounding blackness on the edge of this Universe ? Wouldn't the space that gives this Universe a place to exist in, also be the Universe ? If so....how could the Universe have a shape ? Wouldn't space go on Infinitely without boundaries ?
Post by Pincho Paxton on Jul 22, 2013 0:16:02 GMT
I took the other Universe away, so the black parts are where I took all of the other Universe away. They all fit together like a jigsaw.
Post by sandhi on Jul 24, 2013 1:33:46 GMT