Post by Pincho Paxton on Oct 9, 2016 15:07:39 GMT
Link... ‘Voyage of Time’ is Terrence Malick’s ode to lifePincho says... Take a look at 1:01... I have been thinking lately on how the Butterfly effect of Pincho Paxton might alter science, and now we have worms on the beach so did I do that? My theory puts worms on the beach to make mammals rather than fish. Similar things are going on, like that we might be living in a simulation... that was me on the internet many times before. 1 + -1 = 0 is used as lot now in theories... that was me. Steven Hawking making a TV program about digging a hole to build a hill from flat land... that was me as well. They should change the Butterfly Effect to The Pincho Paxton effect. Pincho Paxton