Post by Pincho Paxton on Mar 11, 2014 11:43:47 GMT
Link... Galaxies in the early universe mature beyond their yearsPincho Says... Scientists confuse me. If you look back a long way to see the past, it is because light took so long to get here. But if you ignore light, and just reach out to those galaxies with your mind, they are in the present, and look like our galaxy. So that makes all galaxies look like our galaxy in the present no matter how far away they are. Basically, all galaxies pretty much look the same. All galaxies are in steady state, all galaxies are in our present. I don't see where the Big Bang comes into it. That's not even complicated, why have scientists complicated this with light speed? In my theory Galaxies exist because gravity collides. There are 2 scenario where gravity collisions can be forced by larger bodies. A super hole could force collisions to happen to create Galaxies, but I'm sure that we could detect a super hole from here. Or a multiverse could collide to create Galaxies. I don't think we need the super hole, because gravity will collide randomly. What would be better than a super hole is a Multi verse. A multi-verse is the opposite to the black holes in the Galaxy, as they are sphere creating holes. That is Newton's 3rd law that every action has an equal, and opposite reaction. So we should be looking for a multi-verse, not a singularity. I don't think that we need either anyway. Particle stacking systems create the right pattern for this Universe without anything added.