Post by Pincho Paxton on Mar 24, 2014 13:39:27 GMT
Link... 'Theory Of Everything' Closer To RealityPincho says... Scientists seem to be using the Microwave Background as an actual microwave at the quantum level. It isn't a microwave at the Quantum level according to my theory. It is a propagating grain structure. The difference in the physics makes the microwave background very unreliable. It could contain any heat from grain passing a message right now. It contains a lot of noise, and the Earth makes a lot of noise. I wouldn't trust the CMB, and this approach to the CMB suggests that scientists are not closer to the Theory Of Everything if they don't even have a theory of the Microwave Background. I don't think that heat is what scientists think it is. Heat I think has to do with scale, and scale has to do with spin, and spin has to do with a Quantum hole. When you combine my physics together you get targeted propagation which was required to fix the Michelson/Morley experiment. You need to target gravity, and other propagating forces through a grain medium that is dense to the point that it fills almost all of space. My physics allow for a microwave background, but it is used by a lot of other propagating forces. Pincho Paxton